Saturday, February 01, 2014

Bats of Ruby Directed by Bart Santello

Bats of Ruby is the film I thought I was going to make back in 2005 when I went to Ruby. Arizona, but ended-up making Outskirts of Infinity instead.  So with newer digital camera technology and eight additional years of filmmaking, I was able to make a film that conveyed a sense of visual poetry of the bats in flight by capturing the synchronicity of  thousands of individual contributors. 

Principal photography was provided by Tucson filmmaker Scott Hellon (Point of View Pictures), and whose creative camera style was critical to the success of the film.

The film is woven-together by a beautiful piece of sound design by ambient-electronic musician John Lyell. I really enjoy his music compositions which I find suitable for film soundtracks.

Bats of Ruby will  premiere at the Arivaca Independent Filmmakers Exhibition in Arivaca, Arizona on Friday night March 7th.

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