Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Night Curve

Email to "A Produce"

Last night I put together a "pre-visualization" Video CD of one scene in my Apollo film using NIGHT CURVE. This will give you a better idea of what I'm doing here (albeit preliminary). What I'm finding in these NASA videos is an inadvertent artistic quality of the film imagery taken with these primitive cameras, shifting lighting and awkward camera placement. When you get the Video CD, you will notice at the end of the scene, an artistic quality (e.g. sand kicked-up by the Lunar Lander rocket motors, vibrations, shadows). Ironically, at the end of NIGHT CURVE is a string of haunting riffs in your score and I edited the film so that the lander is stopped on the moon and this haunting sound is like a warning to the astronaut's that they have a arrived at someplace quite different and unfamiliar. It's perfect!!

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